Seda de Cactus

Seda de Cactus is a fashion and home décor boutique that wants to make women feel special, by showing them the beauty of exotic places through exclusive and limited production products. Seda de Cactus wanted us to help to make this idea a reality. We worked together to show a passionate, inspiring and exclusive identity.

The vision

In a world where uniqueness has become hard to find, women are seeking for guidance in discovering new trends, products and tips to enhance and enrich their lives. Seda's goal was to inspire women to discover the beauty of unique places and corners of the world, through fashion and home décor.

Reaching out

Through ads, influencer marketing, bloggers, giveaways and newsletters, we got the first sale in the second week of the brand's life. The instagram account is currently at 7k followers, growing at a steady rate of 60 followers per month. The newsletter has reached 2k subscribers.

My mission is to enhance human interactions through design. This is what drives me in my way to improve people's lives and experiences.